
At the Library

Find programs and events for newcomers at the library.

Books and DVDs for English language learners.

Prepare for the Canadian citizenship test with RPL’s Online Practice Citizenship Test.

Full collection of RPL’s job search guides.

This practice test helps you prepare for the BC Learner’s License knowledge test.

Learn a new language with self-directed lessons, movies, music and more! Over 80 languages are available with instruction available in over 50 different languages.

A quiet area for prayer and reflection in the library.

Upgrade your French and English language comprehension skills with Mauril from CBC/Radio-Canada! Test your language skills and learn about the rich cultural diversity of Canada by watching and listening to stimulating and entertaining video and audio clips.

Books and DVDs in 11 languages including French, Spanish, Russian, Tagalog and others.

Local Resources

Offers free counselling and support groups for adults, youth, children and families.

Free Resources for new arrivals to Richmond.

Offer programs and community connections for newcomer families in Richmond

Find Richmond community services directory here!

Committed to removing barriers for families accessing early childhood development programs. Host an early years refugee program

Give healthy and nutritionally-balanced food to more than 2200 people in a typical week.

Provide settlement services for immigrants and refugees.

Sign up your kids for school in Richmond!

Provide support and outreach to newcomers through parenting and family programs

Provincial Resources

Individuals from Ukraine who have arrived through the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) can apply for MSP (Medical Services Plan) coverage.

How to get a BC driver’s license: information for newcomers.

All the necessary information that newcomers to BC need on their “first few days” of arrival.

Comprehensive overview of BC’s settlement programs and services such as: help to find a job, make new friends, or learn English.

Offer specialized employment services to help newcomers reach their full employment potential

Dial or text 2-1-1 for support services for all of life’s challenges. The service is free, confidential and available 24/7 in over 150 languages.

Connects refugee claimants to timely legal services, housing opportunities, health & emergency resources, Wi-Fi & connectivity, and food & clothing in the province.

BC Housing works in partnership to develop a range of housing options.

The British Columbia Newcomers’ Guide to Resources and Services has information to help you in your first few months living here.

BC PNP offers a great opportunity for foreign workers, international students and entrepreneurs who are already in BC to become a permanent resident of Canada.

Provides users information about refugees that are arriving to British Columbia, the latest reports and publications, statistics and factsheets, and a resource centre with a variety of information.

Contact information for public school districts and Independent School authorities in BC.

Helps you get jobs that match your experience and background.

ISSofBC provides free immigrant services including settlement support, employment programs, English classes, and more.

MWC facilitates access to justice for migrant workers through the provision of legal education, advice and full representation.

A variety of settlement services to support permanent residents, international students, migrant workers, and refugees

NewToBC helps to connect newcomers with services in their community

Support and advocacy for LGBTQI+ refugees

Programs and services for individuals and families who are preparing for Canada, temporary residents, permanent residents, or who are already Canadian citizens.

Provides health resources in 8 languages most common to B.C. residents.

WorkBC helps people find jobs and explore career options.

Federal Resources

Prepare before you arrive. Learn about free pre-arrival services.

Learn about important things to do after you arrive.

Free services near you can help you look for a job, get a language assessment, register for language classes, find a place to live, sign up your kids for school, and learn about community services.

Offers information in 8 languages on renting and buying apartments and houses in Canada.

The Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) provides limited health care to protected persons, including resettled refugees; refugee claimants; and certain other groups.

(IRB) is responsible for making well-reasoned decisions on immigration and refugee matters, efficiently, fairly and in accordance with the law.

CCVT aids survivors in overcoming the lasting effects of torture and war.

The Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) gives government-assisted refugees immediate and essential supports for their most basic needs.

Newcomers' Stories

Newcomers’ Stories

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Nasrallah, Dimitri

Son of Elsewhere

Abdelmahmoud, Elamin

We Measure the Earth With Our Bodies

Lama, Tsering Yangzom


Liew, Jamie Chai Yun

The Foghorn Echoes

Ramadan, Ahmad Danny


Thúy, Kim

Newcomers' ESL Resources

Newcomers ESL Resources

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English Made Easy

Crichton, Jonathan

Easy English Step-by-step for ESL Learners

Pelletier, Danielle

Barron's IELTS Essential Words

Lougheed, Lin

Listening for IELTS

Aish, Fiona

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners

Torres-Gouzerh, Robin

Basic English

Lachance, Julie

Recommended Reads

Books on War and Conflict for Children

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The Displaced

Unknown Author

Carry on

Unknown Author

Stormy Seas

Leatherdale, Mary Beth

Hold on to your Music

Golabek, Mona


Van, Muon

The Paper Boat

Lam, Thao

Russia Conflict with Ukraine


A History of Eastern Europe

Unknown Author


Unknown Author

Secondhand Time

Aleksievich, Svetlana

Voices From Chernobyl

Aleksievich, Svetlana

Red Famine

Applebaum, Anne

The Future Is History

Gessen, Masha